A Nest of Spoons

Pastel on Mi Tientes Tex ($POA)

87 cm W x 67 cm H
A juvenile Royal Spoonbill (Platalea regia) arrived on our property, lost and starving. We fed little “Teaspoon” the Christmas Prawn scraps before finding a suitable wetland nearby for relocation.
“Teaspoon’s” visit made me curious about Spoonbills. They are found throughout eastern and northern Australia, residing in wetlands, mudflats and grasslands. Their black spatulate bill contains papillae (vibration detectors) which help them “feel” for prey in murky water, day or night.
In breeding season the birds are very white, with a distinctive ‘nuchal’ crest on the head/neck. A yellow patch is above the eye, absent in juveniles, who are often ‘dirty’ in appearance.
