About the Artist
Angela Parr is a self-taught artist who has been sketching and painting for as long as she can remember.
Her education includes a Bachelor of Arts, a Diploma in Education (University of Melbourne), a Certificate in Graphic Design (QLD. 1987), and a Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (NSW 2012). She spent most of her working life as a Secondary Teacher before finally achieving her dream career of full-time Artist.
Angela’s artwork reflects her life. She is passionate about animals and wildlife, so both African and Australian native animals and birds feature strongly in her work, as do all things natural. Angela uses her artwork to make people aware of the plight of wildlife around the world, and to assist in the rehabilitation of local wildlife.
She travels often to gather material for her art, and to do charity work in both Australia and Africa. In 2014 she walked with camels, along with her beloved Red-Heeler “Ruby”, for three months through the outback, raising funds for Swags for Homeless people. She has also held Art Auctions to raise funds for orphanages around the world. Three exhibitions raised a total of $25,000 for orphanages in Bali, Thailand and Zimbabwe respectively.

Angela works in pastels, acrylics, watercolours, inks, graphite and polychromos pencils and will work on commission.
* Founding Committee Member of OSBB – Open Studios Ballina, Byron and Beyond.
* Pastel Society of Australia.
* Queensland Wildlife Art Society Incorporated.
* BACCI (Ballina Art Craft Corp. Inc).