A Breezy Perch

Pastel on Canson paper (Sold)

86 cm W x 60 cm H
The galah (Eolophus roseicapilla), also known as the pink and grey cockatoo or rose-breasted cockatoo, is among the most common of the cockatoos. With its distinctive pink and grey plumage and its bold and loud behaviour, it is a familiar sight in the wild and increasingly in urban areas. Like other cockatoos, the Galah is an excellent mimic of voices and sounds. Add this to their bright colour and hilarious personalities, as they are often seen hanging upside-down on a telegraph line, bobbing their heads in a dance, or playing soccer with pebbles on the ground, you will understand why ‘galah’ is Aussie slang for a silly person. The galah is often found in flocks of 10 to 1,000 individuals, and rarely is it seen on its own like this one enjoying the country breeze on a typical outback fence.
