Good Job Girl

Pastel on Pastelmat Card (Sold)

87cm W x 67 cm H

The Australian Cattle Dog (also known as Blue or Red Heelers) was developed for its ability to drive cattle over long distances in the harsh Australian Outback. It is now considered the best breed in the world for this task. It is a sturdy, muscular, compact dog capable of great speed, agility and strength, when required. It will create a strong bond with its owner, typically resulting in the dog never being too far from the owner’s side. The Australian Cattle Dog can be the friendliest of companions, although as it is quick to respond to the emotions of its owners, it will typically be very protective of them and may defend them without waiting for a command. All these combinations make it an excellent farm dog, working when required and caring for the children, keeping them safe from snakes and other “intruders”. In this image, the quintessential Aussie farmer is not gushy with his dog, just a gentle touch on her head tells her she has done a “good Job”.
