My Favourite Colour is Blue

Pastels ($POA)

30cm H x 45cm W

The Azure kingfisher is a tiny, colourful and highly elusive aquatic kingfisher, usually found above or around the edges of most waterways that have low, overhanging branches.
It patrols up and down waterways and rivers from perch to perch flying very fast, and only a few meters off the water, typically making a loud high pitched “seeeeeeeep” call.
It has a long black beak and a whitish rear eye spot. This bird gets its name from its beautiful colouring, being dark glossy blue, its underside an orange-rufous; its legs and feet red. Males and females have very similar appearance and juveniles are less vibrant in colour.
These birds are generally sedentary, although they can perform some seasonal migration.
You might see this shy bird skimming along the surface of creeks and billabongs as it hunts for fish before ducking back into the vegetation.

