The Mob

Acrylic on canvas (Sold)

122 cm W x 122 cm H
Another of my “Avian Criminal” pieces, this study of “tough guy” Australian magpies (Cracticus tibicen) has the large bird Marlon (as in Brando fame) surrounded by the rest of his “mob”. All the birds are exhibiting that haughty, intense stare magpies are renowned for. Apart from its widespread distribution — there are few places in Australia where magpies do not occur — the species’ familiarity is probably due equally to its pleasant carolling song, which is such an essential part of the Australian soundscape, and for its tendency to swoop at people during its springtime nesting season. The poles the magpies are perched on were modelled upon poles that had been newly erected at a nearby beach and were instantly recognised by the locals.
